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The Epoch Times
The Epoch Times

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The Epoch Times

Garland Blasts Republican Attacks Amid Contempt Threat

The attorney general denied claims of a weaponized Justice Department as he testified before the House Judiciary Committee.

ANALYSIS: Economic Pressure Forces China’s Central Bank to Implement Gradual Currency Depreciation Policy

‘China has no choice but to take this approach because it cannot continue to maintain the exchange rate,’ Frank Tian Xie, a professor in business, said.

Fauci Defends COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that lockdowns were justified ‘early on, when 5,000 people were dying a day,’ extending that logic to masking and vaccine mandates.
Health - The Epoch Times
Bright - The Epoch Times
10 Underrated National Parks to Visit This Summer

10 Underrated National Parks to Visit This Summer

There are beautiful national parks to visit aside from the most popular destinations.
The Lap of Luxury: How to Travel 5 Star With Your Dog

The Lap of Luxury: How to Travel 5 Star With Your Dog

Whether exploring the dog-friendly streets of Sydney or considering an extravagant getaway, these offerings are proof that pet travel has reached new heights.
Choices Abound During a Trip on American Cruise Lines

Choices Abound During a Trip on American Cruise Lines

The American Cruise LInes takes its passengers on a history rich journey while indulging them with great food.
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